Tips for a Successful Move with Your Kids

Moving day generally carries with it some fairly negative associations of paperwork, stress, and rushed procedure. But for families with young children, the process of packing up the house, traveling to the new home, and then situating there can be an event of epic proportions.
Fortunately, relocation doesn’t necessarily have to be a nightmare. Even with the kids in tow, there are a few ways you can make the moving experience more manageable.
Communication is Key.
Even with younger children, it’s important to make sure they know what’s going on, every step of the way. From the decision to relocate, to house-hunting and eventually packing up everyone’s belongings, keeping the whole family in the loop will help reduce the inherent stress of the process as well as keep anyone, old or young, from feeling blindsided by the changes to come.
When you’re preparing to move, routines can often get cast aside in favor of checking things off your to-do list. Children, however, tend to find comfort in a familiar way of doing things, such as activities after school or daycare or running errands with you on Saturday morning.
While you probably won’t be able to accommodate every normalcy during this time, keeping as close to the routine as you possibly can will help ease the kids back in once you’re settled in another community.
No Idle Hands.
One of the best ways to keep kids focused and engaged during the moving process is to give them small chores and responsibilities to occupy their time. Older kids might want to help pack their own rooms, while the younger ones might be able to assist with last-minute cleaning or tidying up.
Either way, having something to do while all of these changes take place can help them come to terms with a new chapter in your family’s world – not to mention take one or two items off of your to-do list!
While some children can help on moving day by carrying lighter boxes or putting away their own essentials that couldn’t be packed ahead of time, much smaller ones run the risk of getting underfoot.
Plan ahead some form of entertainment so that they can remain out of harm’s way until it’s time to depart. Coloring books, puzzles, even books for kids who are starting to read are all great options. And by providing them with something familiar and enjoyable to do in the meantime, you have a greater chance of staving off some moving day tears and having a more enjoyable car ride when they continue the fun on the road.
While moving with kids can be a difficult undertaking, it’s easier to handle when everyone is on the same page and can cooperate with one another. As you consider your move to coastal North Carolina, contact the Michelle Clark Team to facilitate the process, so you and your family can have as smooth a move as possible.